Oh My

I guess by now I should know that these final weeks of school are, at best, insane for the average girl like me. Add to that huge projects like a class museum, making giant set pieces for our musical, taking down my classroom for summer while teaching and parenting and living life… Yeah. Phew. Breathe… … [Read more…]

Another 100

Today I hit 101 accumulated miles ran! I’m so proud. I never really realized that all of this would add up to a whole hundred miles. I never even would have dreamed to set this as a goal. It shocked me, the first time I noticed my accumulated mileage. I was just putting one foot … [Read more…]

Back in the Saddle Shoes

I did it! This morning I rose and shone, made breakfast, tied my sneakers and took off! My big goal was to simply run for a bit. To get my legs back under me. My ultra goal was to finally do a real five mile run. For some reason I feel the need to keep … [Read more…]


Tomorrow I will run. I have missed running so very much. I miss the high, yes. The body strengthening, yes. The feeling of empowerment, the feeling of being strong, of realizing the fitness in my body. But more than anything? I miss being able to eat something while thinking, “I can really enjoy this because … [Read more…]

Still Kicking

My ear kicked my booty. It morphed into bizarro ear- like, I couldn’t smile, laugh, or eat (not that it stopped me) because it hurt so much. I couldn’t hear, my ear swelled so much. Yeah…. I went to the doctors, got my antibiotics on. I went back to work today. Without really thinking about … [Read more…]


Yesterday I mentioned an interest in sharing my thinking about some of my strategies and thoughts on this whole weightloss project I’ve embarked on. From the beginning of my project (sorry, I just hate the word ‘journey’ for some reason) I decided that I wasn’t going to deny myself things. If I wanted a donut, … [Read more…]


When I began writing this blog it was all about me. Me, me, me. It still is. Ha ha! As time has marched through the months, I have remained determined, I have continued to lose weight, I have become an athlete and I have been answering a lot questions along the way. I totally get … [Read more…]


I don’t quite understand what is happening with my body right now. I’m not pregnant (yes, I am certain, it is impossible thanks to my OB), but I’m days ‘late’ at this point and my body is acting like I’m in weightloss warrior week, completely skipping the misery of PMS and the aftermath. I’m not … [Read more…]


My husband, at his heaviest, was 240pounds. This morning this fact occurred to me- my husband and I now have shared a weight! Three- actually- 240, 239… I know that doesn’t seem like an amazing feat for some, but if you have ever been more than 100 pounds heavier than your spouse you understand that … [Read more…]