Boy turns six today. Six.
Isn’t this the small fry who surprised us by letting his presence known in Disneyland over six years ago? The little thought? The little dream? That little dream-thought has grown up into his own person. His own very smart, very wise, very kind person.

As he’s getting older, Jude is starting to make some plans about his life. I had a sit down with him the other day to inquire about his future. He definitely wants a wife and children, which is nice to hear. His wife will be tall, not too ‘husky’ (Jude’s PC word for ‘fat’) but not skinny either. She will have a ‘juicy booty’ and, well, let’s just say he likes a girl who is kinda juicy everywhere. He has also informed us that he will live in our house for always- and not the apartment. He wants to live in the house with us. I think that is terribly sweet. As for a career, he wants to write comic books about Pokemon when he’s not performing his duties as a stay at home dad. It sounds fairly familiar.

Five was a big year. Five was four lost teeth, learning all the letters and sounds, learning to count to 100. Five was Minecraft, Pokemon and Marvel Lego Superhero. Five was slimming down, becoming active, learning to love broccoli, cauliflower and trying strawberries at last. Five was saying goodbye to the troll at the vacant lot and hello to kindergarten; five was singing Mario Kart Lovesong and all the songs from Frozen. Five was tickle fights and vulgar songs, hugs and kisses, late night wrestling matches, potty talk club, rubber band guns and swimming in the ocean. Five was new friends, best friends and learning to love family more than anyone knew how. Five was the best yet.
Six will be better.
I love you, my sunshine boyo.



Yes, it has been a big year for the five-year-old Jude. We’ve seen huge changes in him physically and mentally. His awareness, enthusiasm and love of his environment, both family and the world, are so apparent. Happy birthday Sunshine!! Love you always and forever………Mimi and Bopbop xoxoxo

Mom added these pithy words on Mar 20 14 at 9:24 am