When I get to the end of a vacation/break, I always feel like it whipped by and I can’t even remember what I did. This week I have spring break while my kids still are in class. I’m determined to document my week on Littlejohnesque so that when it is time to head back to work I’ll be able to take stock and feel satisfied!

Our kids were at a sleepover last night, so Bradley and I had the morning and afternoon to ourselves. We took a run and climbed the big hill, totaling a little over four miles. We headed to a plant sale and the store before the kids came home and we had concentrated snuggle time while I started playing Tomb Raider again. I haven’t played since I was about 24, but I used to just loooove Lara Croft and I’m excited about rekindling my relationship with her and her adventures. Except the scary parts. Bradley is responsible for taking out all the wildlife that seems determined to destroy Ms. Croft (meaning: I freak out and hurriedly shove the wii-mote in his hands and he takes care of all the messy stuff).

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