
On the way to Great Wolf Lodge this past weekend we decided to stop in Olympia to take a peek at the state capitol.  We arrived on the scene to find a teaparty underway.  Undeterred by the conservatives, we wove out way through the masses and made our way inside the building itself.


It is really a pretty amazing and beautiful building.  Wall to wall marble everywhere you look and interesting details like this cool Washington State doorknob and door plate:


We scooted all over the building and even made our way into the senate commitee room by attaching ourselves briefly to a tour.


The kids were rightfully impressed with the building and with what happens within.  They appeared awed with the prospect of what happens there: laws are made!


As we made our way out we realized that the demonstration was picking up steam, and it was best to leave before we got too worked up.  We made our way down the steps, over the grass,  past the poster of Obama as Hitler, into the cars and headed down the road to Grand Mound with another story to tell.


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