Our whole family has a cold. Each of us is in various stages of the cold- Jude is pretty much done, Gigi is at the tail end, mine is at phase two of the beginning, and Bradley is just coming into it. That said, exercise is really important to us. I get antsy and agitated and irritable if I don’t get out to move every day, not to mention paranoid that I’m going to lose my momentum and stop exercising altogether or something. So yesterday we went to Bothell Landing to take a little walk with two playgrounds and many chestnut trees.

Bradley and Jude have spent a tremendous amount of time researching the life cycle of the chestnut tree. They are the coolest tree in that boy’s mind now. When we arrived at the chestnut tree we spent a solid 20 minutes or so scrounging the chestnuts off the ground, out of the tree and cracking them out of their spiky husks. When we returned home, the chestnuts had stems and smiling faces added to them as they were transformed into pumpkins.





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