On Monday Bradley and I went to sign papers to sell the old house. Title got transferred, and on the way home we were chatting about future dogs. How we wanted a smaller one, not yippy, not shivery, but small enough to sit on your lap and snuggle up. Gigi has long had fantasies about getting a little purse Chihuahua that she will name Fifi Valentino. We have told her that she can buy one when she is sixteen, words I will have to eat someday… But I digress.

So, there we were driving down Evergreen Way (a five lane strip of busy road) when we saw a woman running down the road wearing socks. Ahead of her was a little streak of lightening, a white and black spotted dog who looked like a puppy. Suddenly, she veered into the traffic! Bradley honked and the pup careened back to the side of the road. We sped ahead of the dog, hopped out of the car, and I coaxed the shivery little dog into my arms and into the car. Bradley took off to chase the stocking footed girl to give her back the dog, but no. Dog was not hers!

Now we had a homeless dog, kids to pick up and what to do? We took her home where the kids instantly fell in love with her. Jude is now heard murmuring, ” Aww, Puppy, aww, toot (cute), aww puppy, I yuv (love).” So, for a short time, until we find the owner, we have a puppy. A little shivery, whiny dog who pees and poops in the house without ever asking to go out. Everett is soon to be papered with notices of a dog found and hopefully she’ll be back in her family’s arms in no time.

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