Yes, that is right.  I said first.  I think that this boy will come home with more than one black eye.


Jude was standing on a book with a blanket on top of it near the coffee table.  He must have turned just right, the book slipped out from underneath him and down he went, hitting the corner of his eye on the corner of the coffee table.


My mom was making lunch when it happened because she was tending to the babies that day, so when Bradley and I arrived home, we each got a full re-enactment from Jude.  He hit the coffee table with his hand, lay down on the floor and then started whining.  The whole time he told his story with gibberish and baby blather, but we understood every word.  Poor baby with the black eye and poor Mimi who just happened to be the one in charge when it happened!


I think this is the first of many for our little daredevil.  Lately he has added base jumping to his repoitoire, that is, he glances briefly at the nearest adult and leaps off of a surface.  Bradley or I end up running and diving under the child to protect him from the fate of a cement belly flop or play bark nose dive.  Black eyes, nose and fat lips, here we come!

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