Oh. My. Gosh. We are a mere two weeks away from delivery! Hooray!!! And YIKES!

Wahoo! Atomic Boy is is full term! This means that if he arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though my due date is still three weeks away.

He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel. We are full of wonder right now. What will he look like? We decided that Guinevere is plenty adorable and hopefully her little brother will follow in her footsteps. Will he have hair upon arrival? Gigi had a, we’ll call it a covering, with thicker hair right at the nape of her neck. However, it all fell out and she spent much of her first year as a bald little baby. Will Jude be the same? I think so.

The other night I was laying on the sofa and my son became very active (my son?! weird). Anyways, I think he is laying transverse (side to side, not up and down) and he started just wiggling away, knocking into one side and the other with his head and with his rear. I put my hand down on my (substantial) tummy and could feel a little hard bump which I though was his head. I got all excited and really started to dig around, trying to feel more. He fought back by turning a bit and starting to kick me. I think I was actually feeling a bottom and he wasn’t too fond of me grabbing him. He gave a mighty kick and I was able to grab a little knee or foot or something. It was pretty exciting for me…

I fell when getting out of the bathtub last night. That was a little scary. I thought my water had broken, but it just turned out that I wet myself. A reality for pregnant women, you can pee your pants and NOT EVEN FEEL LIKE YOU’RE GOING, and had to take a shower real quick. As I was stepping out of the tub, my foot started sliding across the linoleum and I went down! Fortunately, it was scarier to think about than what actually happened. I landed on my well padded rear end in a sitting position, didn’t bump my head, belly or anything. Just stretched my leg out nicely. I feel pretty lucky.

Earlier in the week Gigi and I made a paper chain and calendar to mark off how many days we have until the baby comes. Each night she gets to remove a link of the chain and cross out a number. It is shocking to see how quickly the time is going by. Yikes! But we are ready. The nursery is only lacking artwork and the house is more finished than our last house ever felt. It is almost more unnerving to be totally ready than to have a lot to do. It’s like the waiting game is here and I feel like I should have so much to do… But I don’t.

Things are winding down at school. I got my report cards about 1/3 of the way complete. The assembly for Black History Month was last Monday and it was a hit. I have the next two weeks to make some homework for my students, clean up, finish my Destination Imagination team stuff, and leave last minute notes for my very capable sub. Wow, what’s a nesting pregnant lady to do?!

Have a splendid week. I shall go retire to the sofa for a nice little lie down. Note, I just woke up an hour ago and want to go lie down again already…


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