Her: “Mama?  Do you like pachonies?”

Me: “Hmmm.  I don’t think so.  Can you describe them for me?”

Her: “You know, pachonies, like you eat on pizza.  Have you ever had it on pizza?”

Me: (Now thinking we are talking about pepperoni) “Oh!  Yes, I did eat pachonies when I was a kid.  They are kind of spicy.”

Her: “Did you like them?”

Me: “They were good, but they are made of animals.”

Her: “Yes, fish.”

Me: (???  Now I have no Idea what she is talking about!)  “Where did you learn about pachonies?”

Her: “On Arthur.  Buster likes pachonies on pizza but nobody else does.”

Me: “Oh, yes!  I know what you are talking about, they are very salty.  I did not like them on pizza.”


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