Poor Jude.  He doesn’t know what’s about to hit: the school year!  And when it does, that little boy’s heart is going to be so lonely for his big sister.  At the beginning of the summer it was all Bradley and I could do to keep them from tearing one another to pieces.  Now?  They are inseparable.  Today I was walking upstairs when I overheard the following exchange as the twosome was busy playing with magnetic paper dolls:

Gigi: Hey Boyfriend!  Are you ready yet?

Jude: NO!

Gigi: Well, we need to get ready to go shopping.  (Under her breath): JUDE!  Get your guy dressed!

Jude: NO!

Gigi:  Well, you have to dress your doll or else we can’t go to the mall.

Jude: Ok, Didi.

Gigi: Are you ready now?  Oh Daddy!  You have to get some pants on!

Jude: NO!

And so it went, until finally they played quietly along side one another, parallel play, The Beach Boys in the background, happy as two clams in the sand.  Except in this case, we have two happy summer siblings in the big sister’s room.  I like that better anyhow.

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