
By Jove! I’ve got it!
I figured out my burn speed and it is very very ridiculously slow.

Those are some sloooow miles! Ha ha! But I’m totally cool with it. It feels good to run slower, I enjoy it more, I can talk more, I don’t feel like I’m dying quite as much… I stopped three times on my run to count my heartbeats and was consistently in fat burning zone. It feels right to run like this.
Speaking of feeling like dying (how’s that for a bizarro segue?!), I realized something yesterday on my run. I went without my compression tanks for two days to see what happens with the rash. Turns out it happens consistently and right now I’m sporting a pretty awesome red rash. I’d show you pictures, but really, you’ve seen it once you’ve seen my belly plenty. Anyhow, the other realization was that I didn’t hit the overheated panic point either time. I think the compression aspect really is detrimental to my workout- I insulate the heat while also squeezing my entire abdomen. No wonder I feel like I can’t draw a breath! I’m like a pioneer woman in corsets or something. So, for now, I need to figure out how to meet in the middle- protect meh belly while also breathing and maintaining a reasonable temperature.

I was interested to look at the patterns on my Wii Fit today. Indeed, my gain and loss is evident. The most interesting thing, however, is that when I rise and dip, my entire family rises and dips on their tracking graph. That tells me that it’s not just my PMS that makes me gain. It’s a whole family thing. We’ll have to watch that more carefully in the future.
Today I just wasn’t into running. Bradley was out on a job and I stayed home with the kids and got some painting done in our living room. First of all, it looks so crisp and clean in our living room. It’s amazing what some fresh paint can do. Two, when I used to paint it would make me sweat like crazy and get out of breath. Today it felt like nothing. Three, because it felt like nothing I felt like I needed to do something to get some physical exercise. While I painted I watched Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition. At one point this woman looks over at her partner and says, “I’m going to do one hour on the bike, one hour on the treadmill, one hour of weights and then we’ll see.” An hour on each! I was amazed. It reminded me that it doesn’t always have to be running and running doesn’t have to be a 20-40 minute workout and that’s it. I can also ride my stationary bike as often as I want. So today I rode my bike for about an hour and did an arms workout. I forgot what a good workout the bike can be. My thighs are burning!