Photo Finish!

I beat the Diet Bet! Woot woot! They aren’t pretty, but here are the official before/after shots from the bet: I am not used to being able to see a very big difference until I have lost 30-40 pounds, so color me amazed that I can actually see the ten pound difference! It is weird … [Read more…]


Do you ever have one of those days where the one thing you don’t want to do is exercise but when you get home you do it anyways and afterwards the very accomplishment of it makes you feel more proud than the time you ran over five miles without stopping? Yeah. I’m having that day. … [Read more…]

The Cold

I’m a very texty person. If you want to stay in contact with me, text. I despise the phone. Unless you are my mother, text me. My husband and I text a lot. Every morning at 8:50 he sends me a picture of my kids hugging, since that’s when they say goodbye and my daughter … [Read more…]

The Skinny on the Skin

This is me today. I haven’t worn this dress in several months and I was really pleased with the way the horizontal lines don’t appear to swoop around quite like they used to. I haven’t lost a ton of weight since I last wore it, but my skin has tightened a lot and my tone … [Read more…]


Today we took it easy. After pushing so hard yesterday, we were feeling a little worn out so we just went for a family walk today and skipped the elliptical, the running, the weights… It was nice out today. Cold but clear and it seems that the rest of the neighborhood heard the sun’s faint … [Read more…]


This is the only picture I’ve taken in several days and, if you read here with any regularity, you know that I hate photo-free posts. Anyhow… My dad made me this necklace when he first started slumping glass many many moons ago and I texted it to him to show that it was made with … [Read more…]

Diet Bet Beat

My goal at my diet bet was to weigh 214.7. I had all this angst that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but it turned out not to be a problem. I’m sure glad I blasted most of my holiday weight off, though. Bleh! I think I am definitely going to do another bet. … [Read more…]