Check In on NYE Goals

I know it’s only been two days. I KNOW! LOL! But so far, this year is off to a great start towards meeting my goals. Because I believe in small goals and small celebrations when I meet those goals, I’d say I’m pretty successful. Why? 1. I have started exercising like I did in the … [Read more…]

Let’s Compare, Shall We?

You can always tell when I like a picture that I take of myself. The picture I took Thursday surprised me so I started making the infamous comparison pictures… The difference here is about five years and 130 pounds. 130! Isn’t that amazing? Like, my chin looks so incredibly different, but my eyes are so … [Read more…]

Little Miss So & So

Let me just start off by saying this is a really weird post for me to write. It’s super awkward and embarrassing and immodest to talk about what I’m going to talk about. That said, changes are underfoot and I’m dedicated to acknowledging and recording my experiences… Before I get rolling here, I also need … [Read more…]

Goal Met!

What’s the goal? To actually RUN finally. To follow through on my workout! Then to post about it on my website. I’ve done both of those things now. 🙂 And if I were a bare minimum kind of girl, I would be done about now. Ha ha! But I’m not. I have to tell you … [Read more…]


Life is tricky right now. There is a huge list of things that are making me stop, paralyzed, and freeze in my life. I’m not writing, reading, running, playing… I’m just. Hardly present. In a whirlwind. Work is hard right now. I won’t air my dirty laundry any more than to say I have a … [Read more…]

One of ‘Those’ Days

Yep. One of those days. If you’re a teacher and you have one of ‘those’ days, it’s usually because your students got ahold of a wild hare that day and went crazy. That’s what happened to me. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say that neither the children nor their teacher were in … [Read more…]

Diet Better

I just heard of diet better last week and boy, am I intrigued… The deal is, basically, you pay 25 dollars a month to either lose ten percent of your weight over six months or four percent of your weight over four weeks. At the end of each month, there are winners and losers. The … [Read more…]