1. I also found you through “Runs for Cookies” In the few entries I have read I am so impressed with your openness and honesty. You seem like a lucky person that didn’t have severe depression over your weight issues. Many people really do have those issues! You have been very brave and open to post your before and during photos!

    I found the entry about comments people make-wondering if they even realize what they just said to you and what it made you feel like, very interesting! I believe that many people are trying to figure out what to say to people without hurting their feelings but certainly choose our words poorly!

    I will say that you were lovely then and you are lovely now. Interestingly, your school pictures you look much younger now–even if you think you have more wrinkly skin!!

    Keep up the amazing work! You are so close to getting in the one hundreds!

    I have a personal question that I am not sure if you would want to address. With the amount of weight you have lost you have extra loose skin, you have been brave showing those pictures. Is that something that you would consider having surgery to remove or will you just accept it and live with it. I realize that that type of surgery is horribly expensive. I understand if this is too personal of a subject.

    • Tamara

      I am totally considering skin surgery. My insurance, at this time, covers part of it, but who knows. I go back and forth about yes or no. I sometimes don’t mind the flabby skin and think it’s kind of fun to look at, and at other times I want to try to erase the evidence of ever being heavy. I think I’m more in the surgery camp right now, but we will have to wait and see where the chips fall.

  2. Hi! I found you through Runs for Cookies and I can not wait to read more. I also turned 40 in Oct 🙂 So happy belated birthday to you 🙂

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