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  • Super Mario

    Tim the plumber came to the house today to lay out the drains for me and make sure I don’t make any code violations while installing the DWV system. Everything was fast and efficient (he was in and gone in an hour) and I am really excited about starting installation this morning!

  • Chicklets all around

    Teeth are such strange little wooden things. I was just brushing mine and reflecting on the loose little chiklet that Guinevere showed us today wobbling about in her mouth… One kid is just growing teeth, another is losing them and I simply want to keep the ones I have just as they are.

  • SpiderJude goes down

    Our itsy bitsy spider climbed into a web of hurt this afternoon when he pulled a chair down on his head. We had been washing the floors and stacked the chairs upside down (closing time at the pub style) on the table. Jude was able to grab hold of the back on a chair and […]

  • Blogworthy

    We grown-ups spent the evening in seperate rooms writing and then came together on the sofa to share our blog entries and laugh.   En route to a good finale there was a Panini Bar by chef Tamara, a playdate for Gigi with friend Kylee, a near miss for Jude as he played the role of […]

  • Bedtime

    Bedtime tonight was amazing. I think we will always remember it. It wasn’t just that the four of us were in bed and playing and cuddling and talking… it was the four of us hitting a groove together and really thriving on one another’s company. We played the Disneyland game. We tickled and chatted and […]


This is the archive for Quickies.

A meditation on the best of the day


A long time ago…