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  • Ee-ya

    We are a pacifier family.  We offered both of our kids pacifiers and they both took to it like fish to water.  But, like fish, they need water to live, and our kids needed their pacifiers otherwise sleeping and security were out of the question (Gigi called her pacifiers Suckers and Jude came up with […]

  • Hawaii Song

    Guinevere and I have been playing guitar and singing together off and on for a while now.  We actually have some songs under our belt, and we have a nice little time when we get together and jam. We decided to write a new song together tonight and came up with the topic of writing […]

  • Another Writer

    After careful consideration, Bradley and I have decided to forgo traditional preschool for Jude in favor of some Little Gym memberships or dance classes.  In those classes he will still develop relationships with his peers and need to attend to a grown up who is not his parent so he will have that needed year […]

  • School Day

    This year may mark the final year Gigi is at Hilltop.  For a variety of reasons, we have concluded that third grade MAY just be the year to make the transition to Moorlands and into a neighborhood where she can start making local friends.  Playdates, when one lives away from the school area, are surprisingly […]

  • Fence

    We are spending this Spring Break making a fence to keep Captain Rubberneck on his side of the gravel (we have a neighbor who is neither our fan nor us his).  Here is our progress so far: First up was Pipi (Pronounced “Pie-Pie) Littlejohn with the hip tool that made digging just that much faster […]


This is the archive for April, 2012.


A long time ago…