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  • Lucky

    This morning I woke up to the sound of my door opening, a little body creeping around the bed and a little wiggle as the covers were lifted and that boy nestled in with that daddy of his. Not long after we had a ten year old one, the girl, nestled alongside the first. They […]

  • Christmas Eve

    This Christmas Eve was spent with the Delaney family in their home over gluhwein, lasagna, dessert and salad. The kids did that rambunctious thing that a herd of five kids do on Christmas Eve- they hollered and screamed, they wrestled and ran, got quiet for a moment and started over again. It was great fun. […]

  • Snow Day

    We had some snow here in the Pacific Northwest the other day. We accumulated, like, a whole two inches or so but school was still called off for me (so grateful!) while Gigi was two hours late. Bradley, being the super kind and thoughtful Papa Bear who he is, heard there would be snow and […]

  • Friends in High Places

    When I was in second grade we still acknowledged that Christmas exists in public school. We had our halls festooned with brad-articulated Santas, Christmas was included in the curriculum and no one ever thought anything of a real, live Santa marching through the hall (I actually remember having to change the door decoration in 6th […]

  • Elf Magic

    Our elves returned after a hairy situation involving Jude and a bizarre night of neurological tics and behaviors landed us in the ER with lots of blood drawn and tests to be taken. It all turned out to be for naught, but those elves just knew we needed some lovin’ from the North Pole! Presenting […]


This is the archive for December, 2013.


A long time ago…